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Christmas Newsletter – 2017


This is the theme of our two Christmas Concerts this year. Our remembrances and celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (13th of May to the 13th of October 1917) seemed to naturally lead us to it. With the Frontier String Ensemble of the Omaha Conservatory of Music, we are able to proclaim again the “Joy of the Gospel” and the true source and center of the Joy of Christmas!

On Saturday the 13th of May 2017, we gave honor and expression of our love to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima with a celebration of the Eucharist in our Chapel, and the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, followed by the Rosary prayed by everyone present. On Friday the 13th of October 2017, we joined the whole Church in marking the occasion with our own Rosary Rally outside the Chapel. Friends and a group of students of Mt. Michael High School were with us. And in the simplicity and joy of Children of Mary, we released 100 blue balloons to Mary, Mother of Jesus, and our Mother.


This year proved to us that Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima is a great intercessor and mediator. I have asked her the favor of sending us three candidates to mark her centennial year, and she sent us four. All four of them started their Postulancy on the 11th of August this year. And I am waiting for the arrival of our fth candidate whose R1 Visa has already been approved. I know that if we continue to pray the Rosary, she will intercede for more vocations, and intercede for unity and peace in America and the whole World!

Our 2017 Prayer Calendar Project brought forth good results. We were able to reduce the principal of our loan to $240,000. What we received from Omaha Gives was also a much needed help. It is with much gratitude that we inform you how greatly we value your continued support! We thank in a special way all who sponsored months and Sundays and weekdays in our 2018 Prayer Calendar, as well as those who donated to our fund for living expenses.

You have journeyed with us to build our monastery. Please journey with us now in the building of our Poor Clare Community, as we receive new members. It is important that we provide them with a formation that will empower them to carry on the Poor Clare legacy and service of prayer in Omaha, the Church, and the World. Some of you have started to donate to our formation fund, and I cannot thank you enough!

It will be our joy this Christmas Season, to remember you in prayer. Please send us your special requests for yourself, for all your loved ones, and your concerns for them. We will entrust them to Mary’s maternal intercession, love and care during our Christmas Novena. Mary’s prayer is powerful, because...


May Christmas and the New Year 2018 fill your hearts and homes with joy and love, protection and peace!

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